Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Big Win for Alzheimer's!

The Alzheimer’s Association will receive $1.5 million from American Express to begin an education campaign highlighting the importance of early detection among physicians and the general public. This is a positive step toward helping those who go undiagnosed for many years, losing valuable time that could be spent planning for the future and starting treatment.

Funds from the American Express Members Project will enable the Alzheimer's Association to:
  • Collaborate with other health leaders to get the word out and combine resources.
  • Engage people with Alzheimer's to be advocates, allowing them to spread awareness about the importance of early detection.
  • Increase public education about early detection via paid advertising, public relations and other forms of proactive communications.
  • Promote participation in clinical trials of groundbreaking treatments.
  • Empower those who suspect they may have Alzheimer's to find the help and hope they need.
  • Educate physicians about the 10 Warning Signs® and patient support services.
Find out how you can stay involved with the Alzheimer's Association and this critical cause by visiting

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Reflections, Suggestions, & Seed Thought

Understand how natural it is for a wide range of feelings to arise: numbness, denial, sadness, dread, despair, fear, grief, anger, and so on. Each of us has different ways of handling our feelings, but we care for our health and well-being when we open to their intensity. Be gentle and nonjudgemental with yourself, your spouse, and others when strong feelings arise; acceptance is a gradual process.

Is there any one person who stands out for your who might be an ally for you? This person might be a family member, friend, wise elder, minister, rabbi, or teacher.

Seed Thought
May I accept the surprises of this illness.