Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Reflections, Suggestions, and Seed Thoughts

I included a section at the end of each chapter in my book, THE MAJESTY OF YOUR LOVING: A Couple's Journey Through Alzheimer's, to highlight psychological and spiritual perspectives that may illuminate the process of caring for someone with dementia. These reflections, suggestions, and seed thoughts--simple, prayer-like statements--were included to help guide and encourage you along the way. In this blog, I will highlight these approaches and mantras each week to help you refocus and uplift your mind in challenging moments.

One of the most critical moments in life is learning that one has a life-threatening illness. Whether you are the patient, spouse, family member, or friend, acknowledge the enormity of receiving this news and the time it takes to integrate the new reality into one's life.

Who can you turn to for support? Consider sitting down with your spouse, family members, or trusted friends and brainstorm what your resources are: supportive family members, friends, minister or rabbi, therapist, financial advisor, and so forth. Find out what Alzheimer's resources there are in your area: an Alzheimer's center, support groups, adult day programs for the future. Check out the Internet for further information. Read about Rehabilitation Therapy, a practical program for dementia patients that suggests many effective strategies for handling this disease.

Seed Thoughts
May I accept the challenges of this situation.

May I be gentle with myself.

Let me be calm.

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